1984 is a immaginative story of the terrors George Orwell thought the futurre would reveal. The first sentence revealed a great deal of insight in a few words. The atmoshpre is cold and is in military time. Past events in the real world have involved military power and struglles. Orwell uses these events to be inspired and write his story. The classic quote of "Big Brother Is Watching You," is a common phrase when attempting to gain military rule because is places fear in those reading the phrase. There are many radical ideas in the first few pages, all of wich corrupt the minds of the civillians. The governmantal parties have slogans that enhance the corruption. "War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength."
The story line is incredibly hard to understand. This helps enhance the idea that the world in wich these events are happining, are confusing and out of control. There seems to be alot of symbolism and deeper meanings throughout the story. I am looking forward to reading the story because I have read Animal Farm, and remember how powerful and the amount of symbolism throught the story.
1 comment:
Matt: Nice job picking up the military overtones from the opening line. Keep an eye on how that plays a role throughout the story.
You say that the storyline is "incredibly hard to understand." What are you having difficulties with? Use the blog to help you through some of these difficult spots. Ask questions and try to answer them. Try to piece together things you do understand.
Overall, I think this can be a positive learning experience for all of us.
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